

Acrylic, foam board, mini plastic chair models

30 x 20 x 30 cm

The idea of this art work refers to hedonism which first appeared in the Medieval Era in Europe. My purpose is to explore and illustrate this idea with a modern society scene in a simple way. In this work, human beings are illustrated without the first half of their bodies above the waist. In this way, it concisely indicates that people who advocate Hedonism, from my perspective, are sometimes do not largely embrace the objective scientific theories. Rather, they focus more on their subjective emotional changes, and try to reach the peak of individual’s mental happiness. In this work, I painted the background in blue to represent “emptiness” but also “limitedness” since blue is a color can absorb most of light. It also means that in the mental world, people can pursue whatever they want, either “nothing” or “every-thing”, only if that can make them happy. The upside-down furniture refers to the “non-rationale” aspect of Hedonism, since people do not have to be restricted by scientific theories.


Emotion Gallery


Tokyo Courtyard